Get your free ebook "Natural Laws of the Stock Market":
(a must-have for everybody who seriously wants to learn how to trade stocks)
About the book:
If you want to be able to trade profitably in the long term, you need at least one strategy that really reliably generates more profit than loss. This reliability can only be guaranteed if you have a strategy that is based on the fundamental, unchangeable characteristics of the market. On the surface, the market is subject to constant change, but beneath the surface there are structural characteristics that existed a hundred years ago, exist today and will continue to exist a hundred years from now. Only if a trading strategy is based on these “natural laws of the stock market” can it work in the long term. That is why it is so extremely important for a trader to study these laws. This eBook provides information on the most important structural characteristics of the market in just 50 pages.

About the author:
Robert Beck was born near Bremen, Germany, in 1978. After graduating with a degree in “Business and Japanese Studies” and after initially working in marketing and advertising, he spent three years in Tokyo as a headhunter. He returned to Germany in 2011 and has been active as an entrepreneur and investor ever since. His professional expertise lies primarily in the fields of digitization, digital marketing, digital business models, capital markets, investing and trading. Since 2018, he has been publishing podcasts and YouTube videos with a thematic focus on “wealth accumulation and wealth preservation”. Robert Beck is married, has two children and a dog and now lives near the German stock exchange in Frankfurt am Main.